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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Square for Church Quilt

An ambitious lady from our church, not me, decided that we needed a quilt to hang in our fellowship hall.    She found a beautiful pattern with different blocks that are based on Bible verses.  Being a quilter, I was roped in, I mean I volunteered to do a square.  I tried to get an easy one, but it was gently wrestled from my fingers and I ended up with the trumpet square instead.  After all, I am supposed to be am experienced quilter - which is a matter of opinion.  Here are my directions:
33 pieces in all

 Here are the pieces (they were already cut), but I had to sort and figure out the colors.  Luckily they gave us a fabric color chart - very helpful!
Trumpets emerge out of chaos and confusion
"Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed – in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.  For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed."  1 Corinthians 15:51 NIV

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Columbus Quilt Show

Where have I been?  My sister actually called me up to tell me that my blog needed updated!  That shows someone is reading it.  Well, my wireless was down for a couple of days, but before that I was finishing up grades in the classroom - done!  Then I headed south to Barbie's house and we went on a bus trip to the 43rd Annual NQA Quilt show at the Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio.  My first time for this show and it was quite impressive.  The theme of the show was the Mariner's Compass as you will see by the pictures.

"To be considered a "Compass" pattern, a Mariner's Compass star should contain 16 to 32 points.

Little Barb


Mama Barb
We enjoyed the vendors, but have to say the quilts were all pretty exceptional.  Our highlight of the day was meeting one of the grand prize winners and learning more about her and her quilt.
Sherry Reynolds made this Mariner's quilt called America, Let it Shine.  It is a tribute to America's foundations and values.  It includes part of the Gettysburg Address, Preamble to the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence.  It is an original design as you will see Sherry holding up the blue print pattern that she created to make her quilt.  I cannot even imagine starting a quilt of this magnitude!  Little Barb liked all the sparkly dots on the quilt.  Sherry said the number of sparklies was equal to the number of words in our Constitution (If I remember that correctly).
Sherry Reynolds and her quilt America, let it Shine

the original design for the quilt!
Here are a few more quilts for you to see and enjoy:

Is this the Snake River Quilt?

It looks like it was done in batiks

This quilt caught my attention because I like barns.