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Monday, October 30, 2017

2017 Sew Deja Vu Retreat - Bertram Inn

"Two quilters who have just met will be strangers only until their mutual passion for quilting is revealed.  Then they can talk for hours like the best of friends."
 ~ Jennifer Chiaverini

The quote above sums up our retreat very well.  We met new friends, visited with old friends and talked for hours.  Of course we threw in time to eat and sew.  

The ladies from Sew Deja Vu bring practically their whole store to the Bertram Inn, so we threw in some shopping time too.  What a great weekend.

Jen, Barbie and I worked on some new projects and I splurged and bought a new chair just for sewing.   Pretty fancy
Tried out my hand at free motion quilting

Jen is starting a Civil War quilt for her brother
Barbie is busy as usual - happy to be sewing

We met new friends from West Virginia and Pennsylvania:


We saw our QBee friends from past retreats:


There may have been some dancing going on along with the sewing - FUN!


Lots of beautiful projects:

I really admired this quilt made from men's neckties.  What a lovely creative quilt!

Retreats make me happy!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Streetsboro Quilt Show - 2017

The best way to write this post is to let the pictures speak for themselves.  I will insert comments as they are needed.  Enjoy the Show!

When you enter the show you are greeted by the stunning Hunter's Star raffle quilt, assorted gift baskets and smiling faces.  Let the fun begin!!

Heinke's quilt won a ribbon for best use of color.  You can see why.

So proud of our youngest quilters!

The Quilt Show is where you meet up with your friends and relatives

Our Prize Winners

Sharon presents the ribbon for "Viewer's Choice" to Marion.  

This lucky lady won the Quilting Basket!  

Kathy was totally thrilled to be the big winner of the raffle quilt.  

Friday, September 15, 2017

2017 Retreat at Zinck's - Berlin, Ohio

Okay, I admit this retreat was in June and it is now September.  My blog has been suffering some neglect this summer.  So sorry.  Still, I want to maintain my quilting adventures on my blog, so please excuse my late posts.  I will try to catch up soon.

Jen's Block
The retreat at Zinck's is always fun and full of ideas for new projects.  On this weekend, Gretchen instructed us on how to make a "Tumbling Block" wall hanging.  It was really fun and easier than we expected.  Here are some of the Tumbling Blocks we completed:
Barbie's and my Tumbling Blocks

One ambitious person decided to make a whole quilt of tumbling blocks - Awesome!

Other projects that caught my eye:


This Quilt below is all "Hand-sewn" and I've been watching it grow for the last three years.  It's a Hexie, but each square is fussy cut to form the design.  Absolutely a work of art!  


Another great retreat complete in Amish country.