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Saturday, April 28, 2018

Rose of Sharon Retreat - Coshocton

Barbie relaxing on the front porch at the Rose of Sharon Quilt Retreat house which is the newest slice of heaven for quilters. 

The house was built in 1895 and is located in the lovely town Coshocton, just a couple of blocks from the local quilt shop - Mercantile on Main. 

I had the pleasure of spending the weekend of April 13th to April 16th with my Qbee friends.  The first couple of days were like summer, 70's and sunshine, but that turned to rain and almost to snow by Monday.  We went from summer, to spring, to winter in four days, but that is Ohio for you.  The weather only added to our cozy retreat experience. 

Judith taught a basket weaving - actually basket sewing - class.  It was a huge success and so much fun.  The baskets are beautiful!

This is called "Remote Sewing"  

Here are some of the other quilt projects . . .

Tiny Pineapple Quilt!

Sadly the four day retreat went by too fast.  We will certainly return to this retreat house in the future.  It was lovely, as was the company and the quilts.  A good time was had by all. 

Goodbye little town of Coshocton - I will see you again soon!

Goodbye lovely Rose of Sharon - till we meet again

Sunday, February 11, 2018

November 2017 Mrs. Miller's Cabin Retreat

Okay, I know it's February, so I'm late with this post and others too.  I promised Carol to blog about our retreat at Mrs. Miller's Cabin, so here it is - better late than never.

After many retreats, the cabin feels like home to me and it needs to be part of my blog.  We had a lovely weekend sewing, but missed Miss Carol; she was visiting family and that took precedence over the retreat - this time.  She's not allowed to miss anymore though.

Mrs. Miller's Cabin - our sewing home away from home!

Scandinavian Stars

We all learned a new skill - how to make Scandinavian Stars out of fabric.  It's a bit like origami with no sewing involved - only cutting and pressing.  I have to say that we were all a bit challenged at making these at first.  I want to thank Jen for finding this pattern online at the blog Crafting a Rainbow.  You can find pretty good instructions on how to make these stars if you click HERE.  

After our early attempts at folding a star, we ended up in laughing fits over our bloopers.  Here is my poem to illustrate the point:

Scandinavian Stars Poem  - written by Gladys Ashenfelter 12/2017

The directions said . . .
No sewing involved
It’s really quite fun
With four little strips
A star will be done

So we cut and we pressed
The four little strips
And burned
Our little finger tips

How does it go now?
Lay them out flat
Weave like a basket
No, not like that

Okay, we got it
A woven up square
Where in the world
Do we go from there?

Flip it, it said
And weave to the right
It folds like a box
Oh, what a sight!

I quit, said Barb
It’s way too confusing
Besides we don’t have
The same colors they’re using

 We’ll start again
And go step by step
Honestly we can’t
Be all that inept!

“For goodness sake” muttered Barb
As she joined back in
Here’s how you do it
Now you try again.

Okay, we got it
It looks like a square
Just keep strips together
And we’ll go from there

Now for the star tips,
I know that part
Fold under the short end
That’s how you start.

Tuck in your ends
Way out of sight
No, not so far in
That isn’t right

Look we did it
We made a star
Wasn’t that easy?
Let’s go to the bar!          (alternative ending)  Make a wish on your star!

Our Quilt Projects at the Cabin:

Debbie had fun with this quilt for a nurse

Kit Quilt from Missouri Star Trip (still need to blog about that!)

Barb B's quilt for her granddaughter (pattern from Missouri Star)

Gina with her Cat Quilt!  Fun!

Jackie always has fun playing with colors.  

 Thanks for stopping by my blog.  Happy Quilting!

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves." 

~William Shakespeare