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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Baby Shower and Changes

Sunday - I went to a baby shower with my sister-in-law, Michelle, and nieces, Heather and Elizabeth.  Michelle and I both made a baby quilt for the expectant mom, Coley.  The shower was out in the Geauga County area and as we drove through Chardon, I commented on how much I liked that quaint little town, known mostly for the Maple Syrup Festival they have each year.  The shower was in the little town hall and just great - good food and lots of "gabbing."
Michelle's Quilt
Attic Window Quilt

Michelle's Snowman Quilt

Michelle's Disappearing 9-patch

Attic Window with back
Michelle and her one day baby quilt


Three days later, the little town of Chardon will be remembered for more than maple syrup.  Now the name brings to mind the horrific terror of the school shooting that happened on Monday morning in the high school cafeteria.  Three young teen boys are now dead due to a senseless, violent act.  My prayers are with the families in Chardon.

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