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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Quilt Poem

Happy Thanksgiving 
On this Thanksgiving eve, I am counting all my blessings – my family, my health, my Q-Bees and my stash.  I am so thankful for my blog and all the new friends it has brought into my life,  Using vocabulary from the quilting world, I decided to put my feelings in a poem and called it the “Thanksgiving Quilt”

            Thanksgiving Quilt

Start with one constant, like God,
Add scrappy pieces of family
Throw in some Zinger friends
Press together with harmonious colors
And threads of music, books and art

Find backing that fits
Batting for warmth
Layer together . . .
Knot and tie with strong thread
Or stitch with long arms of love and thankfulness.

Forgive and un-sew when necessary! 

Blessings to you and your family on this Thanksgiving.