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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Winter QBee Day

How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.  ~Annie Dillard,The Writing Life
Last Saturday four lucky quilters were able to sieze the day and go down to quilt at Miss Carol's studio from Sweet Peas and Possum Blog.  I usually make this trip 80 miles south to Plainfield in the warmer months, but together, we braved the cold weather and made it just fine - no snow, just cold.  How cold was it?  Lets just say that Mitzi, on a double-dog-dare, got her tongue frozen to the sewing machine.  Don't worry, it ended well.  
Don't try this on a cold day!
We begin our day with show and tell, and let me tell you, we had a lot to show.  Here are the highlights:

Show and Tell for Earlene

Earlene, my daughter, just finished her first quilt ever!  It's a jelly roll strip quilt done in thirties prints.  Wait till you see the cute backing she found in a quilt store in PA.

Here it is with the borders.  
Love the flower garden backing.

Show and tell for Mitzi

A Stack and Whack Pattern.  Stunning!  Can you believe that Mitzi just learned how to sew not too long ago.  Amazing work!

Show and Tell for Michelle

Michelle is actually Mitzi's mentor for quilting.  She also brought a stack and whack for show and tell.

This is the same pattern as Mitzi's quilt, but with a new spin - sashing and blocks.  I hang out with creative quilters!

Show and Tell for Miss Carol

Miss Carol did a fun falling charms quilt and a mountain majesty from homespun material.  I really admire the mountain majesty!

Little Barb Show and Tell

Remember back in November when Barb was working on blocks she found in an attic of her husband's old farm house?  Click Here to See that Post:

I just found out from Bonnie's Blog, Quiltville, that this is called an Album Block Quilt.  She was showing one like it in an antique mall.  Click on the Quiltville link above to see her post.

Now the top is finished and it will be hand quilted.  Barb thought that would be fitting since it was hand pieced.
Album Block Quilt

Look at the fine hand stitching.  What patience to make blocks by hand.
Barb was working on a cute ladybug rag quilt for her granddaughter.  

Mama Barb's Show and Tell

Get ready because here is Mama Barb's great accomplishment of "Snake River."  I can't remember how many pieces, but it is gorgeous!

I love this cross quilt!  I am starting to save my two and a half inch blocks, five of each kind, to make one.  This will be a future, future project.
Earlene calls her Aunt Barb the bionic quilter.  I just say she has too much time on her hands.  Whichever, Mama Barb accomplishes a lot and is a joyful quilter.  I'm so proud of my best friend! 

 At the end of our QBee day, Mama Barb was kicked back and doing hand quilting on her teapot quilt.  This one is a work in progress too.  So Victorian!

Winter really is the best time to quilt.  Stay warm everyone and happy quilting.


  1. OMGosh…you girls! Your projects are so inspiring! Barb has inspired me to pull out the Snake River Log Cabin I started a few years back … I need to finish it! All of the projects are beautiful! Thank you Gladys for sharing your very special QBee Day with us!

  2. So lovely! :)
    Greetings from Finland!
    Hugs, Ulla

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Ulla, all the way from Finland to our snowy, cold Ohio.
