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Friday, February 28, 2014

2014 Farmpark Quilt Show - First Quilt Show of the Year!

Oh, my, the winter blahs almost got to me this week.  When is winter going to let go?   Then lo and behold, Kathy called to invite me to a quilt show at the Lake Metroparks Farmpark in Kirtland, Ohio.  Yea!  You know I said yes!  The day started frigid, below 0, but quickly turned sunny.  Kathy, her daughter Valerie, Lynn, and I had a great time.  It was a perfect quilter's day - beautiful quilts, food and shopping!

In case you are interested, the show is open till March 28th, but this weekend is the vendor's weekend.

Kathy and her daughter Valerie.  

Lynn, Valerie, and Kathy.  This colourful quilt is Lynn's entry.  It is a bright and lively quilt.  Gorgeous!

Valerie made a new friend.
Here are more quilts.  Enjoy the show!
A feature artist at the show . . . 

Contemplation IV

Abby on the Beach

This one is for you, Adam!

Space Invaders!

"My Enchanted Garden" made by Janice Stevens 

Janice Stevens - what a pleasure to meet one of the talented quilters and see her creative quilt.  I like the English paper piecing.

"Out of the Box"  Read the story below.  It's amazing!

Cat Quilt 

Mantua Connection - this was one of my favourites!

Stop back tomorrow to see more lovely quilts from the show! 

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful quilt show! Love seeing the quilts! Cannot wait for tomorrow's post!
