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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Paducah Continued . . . Bryerpatch Studio

In the last post I talked about Country Heritage Tours and how much I enjoyed travelling with them.  What I didn't mention is that they are well known and popular world wide.  On our bus, we had ladies from England, Scotland, Canada, Switzerland, the UK and New Zealand.  We also had travelers from states as far away as Oregon, Washington, and Montana to name a few.  I really enjoyed touring with such a diverse, fun group.  I was blessed with fair weather and excellent company!

Wicked Wahines:

The gals from New Zealand all wore a little handmade doll that is called a Wahine.  You could spot them anywhere because of the doll; they called themselves the "Wicked Wahines."    Such fun!
Ruth from New Zealand wearing her Wahine doll.  

Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry of Bryerpatch Studio

Ruth became a newspaper celebrity after we visited the Bryerpatch Studio.  We were fortunate to visit this week since Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry will be moving to Washington state at the end of April.  This was the last week to tour her studio and how lucky we were to see it.  It was fantastic!  Here are some pictures and highlights from that day . . . 
Ruth (a Wicked Wahine) and Caryl Fallert-Gentry make front page news in The Paducah Sun

Another Wicked Wahine Gal

Leap by Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry

Caryl does art quilts focusing on birds and dancing'

This is the ceiling in Caryl's living room.  Awesome!

Dorm room for quilters on retreat.  

Caryl's Studio

Loved this painting and quote!

Studio Design Wall
Even though Caryl and her husband will be moving to Washington state overlooking Puget Sound, you can still visit her website for Bryerpatch Studio.

You can also order her products through www.paperpieces.com 

I did buy a little kit to try Caryl's technique.  Of course, I had to have her sign it!  It says "Simple," so I should be able to manage it.  Wish me luck!
Check back tomorrow for more about our Paducah travels.  


  1. I have had fabric for quite a while to make one of her patterns. We should work on them together!

    1. I would love to work on her pattern with you! : )
