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Monday, June 30, 2014

Knitting at the Kent Market

Knitting seems to be all the rage lately, especially if you follow Mrs. DillyDally's blog, which I do.  So, when the opportunity came up to learn to knit socks right at our little market in Kent, I grabbed four needles and some yarn.
A lovely lady with lots of patience, Carol, got me started with the casting on and needle management techniques.  I have knitted in the past, but only with two needles.  I needed a refresher course for sure.  It was fun sitting on the picnic bench, sipping good coffee and chatting with the market shoppers as I struggled with the needles - four seems like two too many. 
After awhile, Zoe and her dad, my son joined me to check on my progress.  The top of the sock was coming along very slowly - knit one, purl one, start with the fourth needle etc.
Zoe stood by our mural poem; she loves poetry and the market scones.

"Swiss Chard leaves
Wave like bright flags
In the breeze." 

The village smithy was at the market giving demonstrations on how a blacksmith works.  Fascinating and HOT!
It was an exciting morning at the market for sure.

Now I am on my own with the knitting and I already goofed it up.  I started knitting with three needles instead of adding in the fourth - DUH!  I have go go back to the market for "back up" lessons.  It is not as easy to fix a knitting mistake; not at all like picking out stitches in quilting.  I will catch on.  I just have think before I knit!  

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Plainfield Cemetery QBee Day

A summer sewing day at Miss Carol's of Sweet Peas and Possum is always an adventure.  On my recent visit, during the afternoon, I took a break to walk up with Carol into the little cemetery by her house.  If you read my recent blog posts, you will understand my new found interest in cemeteries.  She wanted to show me a tombstone that was very unique, maybe even one of a kind.
Here is the view of Carol's house and studio from the Plainfield Cemetery.  She really does have quiet neighbors.  Below is the tombstone that we walked up to see:
We decided that this gentleman really loved watching football on TV.  If you look closely you can see the knobs next to the TV screen and the planters are footballs.  Very original!

More Snowman Quilts:

Yes, Barbie was still working on snowmen.  If you do snowmen quilts in summer, you get winter quilts with bare feet.  

Miss Carol had a show and tell.  She made a pincushion from a Bonnie Hunter pattern.  So cute!  I love Hexies!
You can find the pattern for this hexagon pincushion at Quiltville.  CLICK HERE FOR A LINK

Happy Summer Quilting!

"Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." ~ Henry James

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Rah Rah Retreat in Berlin, Ohio

Amy Jones organized the retreat along with  Karen Maddox
Amy is from the Dover Ohio Guild.  
Quilters love retreats because we can sew, eat, and share ideas! This weekend two dedicated ladies, Amy and Karen, put together a  wonderful retreat at Zinck's Inn in Berlin.  There were about 27 ladies and one gentleman working on their projects . . . or on a mystery quilt!  As you may know, I love mystery quilts.

Barbie was busy working on her mystery quilt.  I, on the other hand, was busy taking pictures or visiting or eating.
Barbie busy working . . . my empty seat!

Strip Poker:

It's not all work!  We played strip poker and guess who won a big jackpot of strips?  Barbie!

Quilt Projects:

Ruth showed me her English Paper Piecing project.  I found out that I can learn how to do this project at one of our local quilt shops.   Her blocks are so lovely and creative!  

Monica is a fellow blogger!  Check out her blog at
monicam-day by day

Sherri, who shared our table, is Barbie's daughter's neighbor in Dover!  Small World!

Look at that border!  Awesome quilt!

These fishies are going to swim around the Nemo quilt below.

Judy is making this creative quilt for a granddaughter!  It turned out that Judy is a massage therapist!  During the retreat, Barbie and I had the best chair massage ever from Judy.  What a treat!

Teresa is a member of my quilt guild in Streetsboro.  I always enjoy visiting with her!

Mystery Revealed:

Not sure what the name of this mystery quilt really is, but I would call it a weaved fence.  I like it!  

All good things must come to an end:

The view from our retreat at Zinck's Inn in Berlin
"As you walk and eat and travel, be where you are.  Otherwise you will miss most of your life."  Buddha

Saturday, June 7, 2014

June QBee Day at Sweet Peas and Possum Studio

Okay, I'm out of the cemetery, for now, and back to blogging about quilting.  On Thursday, it was open sew day at Miss Carol's studio in Plainfield.  I love the scenery at this time of year and it was a beautiful early summer day.  Here are some of our projects.  Enjoy:
Miss Carol and Barbie looking at the backing for Barbie's snow flake quilt.  It's just stunning!

Look what is right next door to Miss Carol's studio!  A cemetery!!  Oh My!

Right across the street - a cornfield.  Isn't it a lovely day?

Miss Carol's studio - I love being here!

A Quilt of Valor made by Miss Carol.

Mama Barb figuring out applique by using a window

Miss Carol's project of the day!  So 3-dimensional.  Nice effect just using HST (Half Square Triangles)
Have to run!  On my way to a Rah Rah Retreat this weekend down in Amish country.  We are doing a mystery quilt and of course I'll blog all about it soon.  HAPPY SUMMER QUILTING!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Hanging out in the Cemetery

In case you are wondering what a retired quilter is doing in a cemetery, let me explain.  Recently I have developed an interest in genealogy and started looking up old ancestors.  I know this is not for everyone, but I get excited when I find a scrap of information about my long lost relatives.  I attended a meeting to learn more about the subject and the lady in charge introduced me to the website Find A Grave (a free website).  Interesting, I thought.  So we tried a search using my grandfather's name and up popped information about where he is buried in New York state along with a little obituary.  This was like hitting gold for me.  I never knew my grandfather; he had died when my dad was only 14.

On Find A Grave, I sent the person who had added the information a little thank you note; she replied back and was kind enough to send me some old newspaper articles about my grandfather.  She also sent the links to find more articles.   Since I had joined the Find A Grave site, she wanted to know if I would become the caretaker for my grandfather's page.  Of course, I accepted.

This morning I had requests in my email from people who wanted a pictures of certain grave stones in a cemetery that is not far from me.  Right away, it seemed like an adventure, so off I went with names, camera and a bottle of water.  The Charleston Cemetery was out in the country and lovely.  I found three grave stones that were requested and took pictures to post on the website.  It was great exercise and a fun thing to do, at least for me.  You only have to photograph graves if you want to - it's not mandatory when you join the site.  I like walking around old cemeteries, reading tombstones and taking pictures, so why not!

A member requested this grave picture.  It is her great-aunt.
Another thing I have been doing lately is reading poetry by Carl Sandburg.  Anyone remember him?  He was a great American poet and here is a poem from him that I like.  It does go along with the cemetery theme and has great imagery.  Sorry, it's the English teacher in me!

Carl Sandburg

THE JUNK MAN by Carl Sandburg

I AM glad God saw Death
And gave Death a job taking care of all who are tired
     of living:
When all the wheels in a clock are worn and slow and
     the connections loose
And the clock goes on ticking and telling the wrong time
     from hour to hour
And people around the house joke about what a bum
     clock it is,
How glad the clock is when the big Junk Man drives
     his wagon
Up to the house and puts his arms around the clock and
          "You don't belong here,
          You gotta come
          Along with me,"
How glad the clock is then, when it feels the arms of the
     Junk Man close around it and carry it away.