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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Plainfield Cemetery QBee Day

A summer sewing day at Miss Carol's of Sweet Peas and Possum is always an adventure.  On my recent visit, during the afternoon, I took a break to walk up with Carol into the little cemetery by her house.  If you read my recent blog posts, you will understand my new found interest in cemeteries.  She wanted to show me a tombstone that was very unique, maybe even one of a kind.
Here is the view of Carol's house and studio from the Plainfield Cemetery.  She really does have quiet neighbors.  Below is the tombstone that we walked up to see:
We decided that this gentleman really loved watching football on TV.  If you look closely you can see the knobs next to the TV screen and the planters are footballs.  Very original!

More Snowman Quilts:

Yes, Barbie was still working on snowmen.  If you do snowmen quilts in summer, you get winter quilts with bare feet.  

Miss Carol had a show and tell.  She made a pincushion from a Bonnie Hunter pattern.  So cute!  I love Hexies!
You can find the pattern for this hexagon pincushion at Quiltville.  CLICK HERE FOR A LINK

Happy Summer Quilting!

"Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." ~ Henry James

1 comment:

  1. That really is an unusual tombstone ... a family with a sense of humor! Looks like you all had another wonderful QBee day!
