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Monday, September 29, 2014

Beckwith Apple Orchard

When the days are bright with sunshine, the air is crisp and the leaves begin to turn, we take a trip to the the apple farm. Beckwith Apple Orchard is only a couple of miles away and so much fun to visit.  Check out how much Zoe has grown since 2013.  It looks to be about three or four inches!

The dahlias at the apple farm are all planted by an 80-year-old gentleman, Hal Hall.  Keep in mind that dahlia bulbs have to be dug up in the late fall, stored all winter and re-planted in the spring.  I think this is a labor of love and I thank him and his family for providing all this beauty for us to enjoy.

Fashionable Scarecrow!

We bought our apples, cider, and of course a piece of homemade apple pie.   So happy for our fall season in Kent and blessed to have this wonderful apple farm in our city!
Zoe made a new friend!  


  1. How fun! Looks like you and Zoe know how to enjoy fall!

  2. Looks like a fun place to visit! Apple pie is my favorite - home made, of course. In fact, I baked 2 of them yesterday with apples from my son's tree.
