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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Raclette /rəˈklɛt/ New Year's Eve

Instead of a "Rockin" New Year's Eve, I had a "Raclette New Year's Eve."  My niece Heather and her friend from Germany, Steffi, provided the Raclette cheese and grills for us to use to celebrate the new year German style.  Steffi brought the cheese back from Germany.  Here is how it goes.  Before the meal, beef, chicken, kielbasi, peppers, mushrooms, onion, potatoes, cauliflower and other vegetables are cut up and put in separate dishes.  The grills are set on the table and each person gets to cook their own meat and vegetables.  The Raclette cheese is melted in wedge-shaped coupelles that are placed under the grill to melt and brown the cheese; the top gets all bubbly. The coupelles are non-stick, so the cheese slides right off onto your meal.  

It was really fun to try this German tradition.  Delicious!

Check out this information on Raclette in Wikipedia  CLICK HERE

Raclette Cheese all the way from Germany

A big thanks to my sister-in-law, Michelle.  She worked hard to prepare the food for our meal and make the night special.

Thank you, Steffi, for sharing your German New Year's tradition with us!

My Mr. Potato Nose creation