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Monday, May 18, 2015

2015 Spring Retreat at Mrs. Miller's Cabin

Spring! 2015
This was my first quilt retreat during May at Mrs. Miller's Cabin in Charm, Ohio.  The cabin is always lovely and welcoming, but even more so this time of year with so much green.  Below is the cabin in November.  What a difference in color!
Fall 2014
Looking at the two pictures, I like the cabin in May better!  But no matter what the season, staying in that rustic, charming cabin with other quilters and sharing laughter, food and quilting ideas is the best part of the Mrs. Miller's Cabin retreat!

Mama Barb and Jackie are off to the quilt shop.

Lupine was blooming - how lovely!

Binding Tool Quilt:

Michelle was trying out a new pattern featured on the Missouri Star tutorials:  CLICK HERE for the tutorial.  She did a fabulous job and almost finished two complete quilt tops.  Way to go, Michelle!

Almost done!
Jackie put together a unique combination of fabrics to create this stunning quilt:

Mama Barb and Debbie were busy sewing and cutting fabric.  
Debbie gets the neatest work space award!  

Stack and Whack Baby Quilt and Block

Barb B has a new grandbaby on the way, so she made a stack and whack baby quilt.  So cute!!
It must bea girl!  
Michelle was discussing her stack and whack square with Carol.

Adventures with Enders & Leaders

Carol completed a quilt top using the "Hopscotch, Butterscotch" pattern that can be found in Bonnie Hunter's book Adventures with Enders & Leaders.  CLICK HERE FOR A LINK TO THAT BOOK.

Carol stitched miles of scrappy squares together and completed this fabulous quilt at our retreat.  Lots of memories are included in the scraps of this special quilt top.  It's beautiful!    
The weekend went by too fast!  At the end of the retreat we packed up our sewing gear and said good-bye to the cabin.  We are tired, but refreshed and ready to go back to our everyday lives.  
Till next time!!

“Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.” ~ Lao Tzu

"Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still."  ~ Dorthea Lang


  1. What fun for you ladies! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I just relived the weekend! great memories for sure <3
