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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Beaver Valley Piecemakers Quilt Show

Last week, I travelled with QBee Kathy to the Beaver Valley Quilt Show in Beaver Falls, PA.  The show featured two color quilts along with so many other lovely quilts.  I really loved the system they used to hang the quilts - you will see it in the pictures.  I asked about it and found out that the quilt hanging system, made of wood, was done 10 or more years ago by some of the husbands.

Take a look at all the lovely quilts and let them speak for themselves.

Kit from vendor.  Guess who likes happy snowmen?  Mama Barb!

Mystery Quilts done by the Beaver Valley Piecemakers.

Look how nicely the quilts were displayed.  Love the system they used!

Great way to use up all the vegetable material that I have collected.

Friendship Braid or French Braid Quilt

Remember the theme was two color quilts

This one is for you Miss Carol!


  1. How inspiring! So fun for me to see the work of others! Love how your adventures are helping me feel less isolated! Thanks!

  2. Beautiful quilts! I love so many of them!
    Thanks for the cartoon!

  3. The Beaver Valley Piec3makers show Celebration of Quilts is Oct. 8-10. Its held at the Chippewa United Methodist Church Community Life Center, 118 McMillen Ave., Beaver Falls, PA 15010. Contact info 724-495-0825.
