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Friday, November 1, 2013

Harvest of Quilts - Dover, Ohio Quilt Show

The Valley Quilt Guild sponsored this wonderful quilt show in Dover, Ohio last week, Oct. 25th and 26th.  My friend Barbie is a member of the guild and was proud to show off and tell me about the expert sewing skills of her friends at Martha's Quilters.  I totally enjoyed seeing these lovely quilts.  

The quilt shows are wrapping up for the year, so enjoy!

Barbie's Quilts:

100 Flower Quilt - Barbie spent a year finding the material for all these flowers

Pinwheel Quilt for Barbie's daughter - Barb

Grandma's Flower Garden:

This was one my my favorite's since I love the hexies, the old feed sack material and the story behind the quilt.

Fun Quilts:

Barbie's Little Neighbor - Landon

Oma's Quilt - for book

Bed Turning:

This was my first time seeing a bed turning and have to say it was a treat to see these lovely quilts displayed on a bed and hear the story about each one.  Very special!

Some Exceptional Quilts:

Take a close look at that hand quilting stitch!

Left Over Quilt.  What a great idea for using up scraps!

Happy Halloween and Happy Fall to all my friends in blog land!

Sometimes seasons blend together.  Pumpkins, Christmas Halloween cactus, last of the garden roses and mums.
"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." ~ Albert Camus


  1. Thank you for the wonderful show. I felt like I was there even though I couldn't fit it in my schedule. I love the how nice the Cross Roads quilt looks. I will add that is was one of my original designs created on EQ4! I think this is going to be a future class

  2. I love seeing the work of others ... especially since I live in an isolated place! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Replies
    1. I agree. It's a great show and I'll be looking forward to attending it this summer. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
