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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Baby Shower Quilts

Gathering of Women
 Mothers and grandmothers and aunts and friends,
Sisters and nieces and love to no end -
Come shower this new mommy with wisdom lifelong,
And show her she’s capable, caring, and strong.

I love baby showers!  For one thing, It gives me a good excuse to make a quilt and go to a party with lots of tasty food.  I was not disappointed.  The expectant mom, Robin, and her husband did not want to know the gender of their baby, so planning a quilt was somewhat difficult.  That did not stop the dedicated quilters.  Robin and her baby, boy or girl, received four gorgeous quilts!

Robin is a huge Mickey Mouse fan, so you can't go wrong with Mickey!  Below is an adorable Mickey quilt made by my daughter-in-law, Lori, and her mom, Cheryl.  It was perfect!  Along with the quilt, they made Mickey pillows and a soft cloth Mickey baby book.  Since Robin is also a quilter, they included the extra Mickey fabric with their present.  So thoughtful and so cute!
Do you like the rick-rack, Miss Carol?

Robin's mom Mary is also a quilter.  She wasn't taking any chances, so she made two quilts, one for a boy and one for a girl.  I so admire them because they are hand embroidered and "hand quilted."

For Robin and Baby, I decided to make the Nursery Rhyme quilt that was one of the ten quilts on my goals list for this year.  

Mitered Corners

The Nursery Rhyme quilt "required" mitered corners.  I have never done them before, so I tried to ignore the directions and just do the borders like I always did.  However, that would NOT work at all because of the pattern on the border.  I cut the material wrong and ended up sewing the borders back together and fudging the mitered corners.  The only way I finally got the border lines to match was to baste the corners together before I sewed them on the machine.  That worked.  Still, I hope Robin does not look too closely at these corners.  See what I mean? . . . 

 Ah, well!  This is how we learn; trial and error.  Just drape it over a chair and you will never even notice the corners.