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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Not so "Easy Street"

Attaching the last corner!  Yea!
Bonnie Hunter writes a fabulous blog, Quiltville, and each year on Black Friday presents a mystery quilt on her blog.  While everyone else is shopping, Quiltville fans are starting their mystery quilts. I am so grateful to Bonnie for sharing her talents with the rest of the quilting world.

 In 2012, I started my first mystery quilt, Easy Street.  As you see, by the date, it took me over a year to finish the top.  However, as Bonnie always says, it's not a race.  I learned so much about quilting and piecing from this project and have now started her Celtic Solstice.  Hopefully, I'll finish that one before next Thanksgiving.

On January 27, this year, my blocks were all completed except for a few half blocks.  Click here for that post.
January 27

Yesterday, I finished joining the blocks and putting the rows together.  There were lots of seams to match and after all that pinning and concentration, I have taken a break from quilting for the last two days.  I am very pleased with the look and size of this "Not So Easy Street."  It's the biggest quilt I have ever completed.
It really brightens up my room.  When the borders are added, it will be almost queen size.

I was very careful with this pattern and cannot see a mistake in the picture.  I did find some mistakes before I sewed the blocks together, but fixed them.  If you see any, don't tell me!
Link to Quote
I am so happy that I made the decision to try this quilt, and equally happy that the top is finished - except for the borders, backing, binding and quilting . . .  I'm not going to think about that tonight; I'll just enjoy the accomplishment.


  1. I think it looks great Gladys! I have not worked on Celtic Solstice for quite some time. Maybe after vacation I can get on it again.
    You did a great job on "Not so Easy Street" and I am proud of you for sticking with it! I am glad you took up quilting!!

  2. It is fabulous! It is inspiring too! Congrats!
