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Friday, March 21, 2014

Fort Myers Beach - Missing the Sunshine!

I'm really missing the sun today especially since we had a mini-March snowstorm right when I was driving my niece to the Cleveland Airport.  Yikes.  We made it just fine though.

I am so tired of cold days, dirty old snow and wet leaves!  Where are you spring?

It seems a good time to write about our trip to Fort Myers Beach last Saturday and look back at the pictures.  It's hard to believe that it was only a week ago when I was wearing shorts and a bathing suit.  Now I am wearing a sweatshirt jacket and two pairs of socks to keep my feet warm.

Oh, but the memories will keep me warm . . .
I'll pretend I'm peeking out from under the umbrella at the sea.  .

After the beach, we had a great time at Nervous Nellies.  The entertainer, Scott, The Island Doctor, is a friend of Jan's and we had front row seats to watch him play guitar and sing.  It was great!  You can check out his Facebook page (The Island Doctor) for more information about his music schedule.  He does play in Ohio during the summer months.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh Gladys … you make retirement look sew good! ;-) What a wonderful time you and Barb had! Old Man Winter sure has overstayed his welcome in your neck of the woods! Hang in there!
