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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Lake Okeechobee - Cruisin' Down the River

Barbie and I visited Cape Coral, Florida last week for a short, too short, vacation.  The weather was terrific - 80's every day!  Our first little jaunt in Florida was a river cruise up towards Lake Okeechobee.  It took me awhile to wrap my tongue around that name.

The pictures tell the story well, but for a little background, you have to know that we stayed with my dear friend Jan who was so kind and hospitable.  She chauffeured us all over the place and shared her home and time with us.  I do want to thank Jan for an unforgettable week of new adventures. I'll be blogging about them in the next couple of days.

Our gracious hostess and good friend, Jan!

Fort Myers is the City of Royal Palms.  I'm not sure this is a Royal Palm, but it is lovely!

Waiting to board the ship river boat

Heading out to sea the river.

We were cruising over towards Lake Okeechobee from Fort Myers.

Looking over the back railing, I discovered we were on a paddle wheel boat.  Sweet!

Barbie was loving the sunshine!

Information about our destination.

You know who these two tourists are!

So relaxing on the river!

The Lock - no bagels

Draw bridges are always fun to see.

River boat trip is over
What you don't see are photos of us eating a huge buffet and enjoying the disc jockey music.  We all got up and danced and had a wonderful day!  I was too busy eating and dancing to take pictures.  

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